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A prosthetic foot user walking out of an clinic
A prosthetic foot user walking out of an clinic
A prosthetic foot user walking out of an clinic
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About Us

Since 2019, Your care is our top priority at With 80+ clinics and decades of experience, we aim to advance innovation, improve access to care, and provide the best patient care experiences.

Since 2019, Your care is our top priority at With 80+ clinics and decades of experience, we aim to advance innovation, improve access to care, and provide the best patient care experiences.

A Certified Prosthetist Orthotist working on a silicone prosthetic socket

Join our care team

If you're dedicated to deeply understanding your patients and working diligently to meet their goals through innovation and collaboration, we'd love to have you on our team. 

If you're dedicated to deeply understanding your patients and working diligently to meet their goals through innovation and collaboration, we'd love to have you on our team.