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Your Mobility, Your Way.

A Dynion prosthetic leg user walks with a companion around an outdoor shopping mall
A Dynion prosthetic leg user walks with a companion around an outdoor shopping mall
A Dynion prosthetic leg user walks with a companion around an outdoor shopping mall

What is the Right Device for Me?

Based on your lifestyle and personal goals, you and your prosthetist will work together to determine the best prosthetic device for you. Whether you want to take on new heights with your athletic abilities or ensure the freedom to spend time with your loved ones, is here for every part of your journey.  

Areas of Expertise

An upper limb amputee holding mascara
Credit: Össur

Upper Limb Prosthetics

The suitable upper limb device can help restore your independence and mobility, help you master everyday tasks, or simply feel well and rebuild your confidence.

The suitable upper limb device can help restore your independence and mobility, help you master everyday tasks, or simply feel well and rebuild your confidence.

A Certified Prosthetist Orthotist speaks with an amputee patient

Lower Limb Prosthetics

Selecting the right lower limb prosthesis can open a world of possibilities. From lifestyle considerations to advanced technologies, we'll guide you through the available options that matches your unique needs and aspirations.

Selecting the right lower limb prosthesis can open a world of possibilities. From lifestyle considerations to advanced technologies, we'll guide you through the available options that matches your unique needs and aspirations.

Patient Consultation

Schedule Your Prosthetic Evaluation

Everyone has a different anatomy alongside their unique lifestyles and ambitions, which means there is no one-size-fits-all prosthetic solution. In collaboration with your physicians and therapists, your prosthetist at takes detailed measurements to ensure the right fit. Key components, such as sockets, are custom-fabricated at your clinic for precise and easy fitting. 


Frequently Asked Questions 
