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Common Terms & Abbreviations in O&P

Download our informative guide to discover the terms that embody our commitment to care.

Download our informative guide to discover the terms that embody our commitment to care.


Definition / Description


A movement of your limb away from the middle of the body


A movement of your limb towards the middle of your body


The position / orientation of prosthetic componentry, like the socket and prosthetic device, and how it aligns with other prosthetic units as well as the human anatomy


Towards the front of the body


Referring to both sides of the body


The science of movement of a body, including how muscles, bones, tendons, and ligaments work to produce movement


Referring to the area of the neck; 7 cervical vertebrae make up the cervical spine

Check Socket

A temporary socket made of transparent plastic that is used by the prosthetist to diagnose the fit of the socket; think of it as a clear version of the cast taken. Also called a Diagnostic Test Socket, or DTS


The circular motion of a limb that is created when the movements of flexion, extension, abduction, and adduction are sequentially performed


Tightening of the muscles, tendons, or ligaments that prevents normal movement of a joint; these can occur from trauma or sitting still for too long. This should be prevented at all times

Coronal plane

Imaginary plane that divides the body into front and back halves


The outer covering of a prosthesis serving the purpose of aesthetics; sometimes referred to as cosmetics

Definitive Prosthesis

A replacement for a missing limb after post-surgical swelling has subsided; likely the second prosthesis you will receive after your amputation. The device that is delivered after the year-long period of change your limb goes through post-amputation


Amputation through a joint (i.e. ankle, knee, hip)


A reference point that is towards the end of your limb, away from your body (i.e. closer to the end of your limb than your knee for a transtibial amputee)

Donning / Doffing

The process of putting on (donning) and taking off (doffing) a prosthesis

Dorsal Surface

Describes the area on top of the foot and the back of the hand


Pointing the toe or foot upwards


Swelling of the tissues; occurs with poor circulation, certain medications, and when your limb is hanging down


The movement of the plantar surface, or sole, of the foot so that it faces away from the midline of the body


Increase in joint angle, straightening the knee, pulling your thigh behind your body

External Rotation

The rotation of a body part away from the midline of the body


Decrease in joint angle, bending the knee, pulling your thigh towards your chest


How you walk; the pattern of movement in your limbs

Gait Training

Learning, usually from a physical therapist, how to walk safely and properly with a prosthesis

Internal Rotation

The rotation of a body part toward the midline, of the body. Palmar (Volar) Surface: Describes the area on the palm of the hand


The movement of the plantar surface, or sole, of the foot so that it faces toward the midline of the body


Away from the midline of the body to the outside


A covering for the residual limb that is used for suspension, cushioning and protection, it goes on your limb and inside the socket


Referring to the area of the lower back; five vertebrae (bones) make up the lumbar spine


Towards the midline of the body, towards the inside


A process during an amputation where the muscles are attached to bone


A process during an amputation where muscles are attached to opposing muscles


A nerve ending that is cut during an amputation and turns into a disorganized growth or lump of nerve cells; neuromas (also be identified as “pinched nerve” or “benign tumor of nerve tissue”) are extremely sensitive and can be painful

Occupational Therapy

Evaluation and training performed by a licensed occupational therapist which focuses on maximizing the activities of daily living

Phantom Limb Pain

Pain that appears to come from an area below where the amputation occurred, often a sharp, firey, or electrical feeling

Phantom Limb Sensation

The feeling that an amputated limb is still attached to the body, it may present as an itch in a part of your limb that is no longer there

Plantar Flexion

Moving the ankle so the toe or foot point downwards

Plantar Surface

Describes the bottom, or sole, of the foot

Physical Therapy

Evaluation and training performed by a licensed physical therapist, which focuses on exercise, reducing pain and regaining mobility


Rotation of the forearm so that the palm of the hand faces downward or backward; opposite of supination


Towards the back of the body, behind you


An artificial body part


Healthcare practitioner who evaluates, fabricates, fits and adjusts prosthetic devices


Used for a reference point that is towards your body along your limb, (i.e. closer to your knee than the end of your limb for a below knee amputee)

Residual Limb

The portion of a limb that remains after amputation


Circular/turning movement of body parts, like the back, around its long axis

Sagittal Plane

Imaginary plane that divides the body into left and right halves

Sound Side Limb

The limb that has not been amputated


The rotation of the forearm so that the palm of the hand faces upward or forward; opposite of pronation


Referring to the area of the mid and upper back; 12 thoracic vertebrae (bones) make up the thoracic spine


Amputation that occurs at a level above the knee joint but below the hip joint; also known as “above knee”


Amputation that occurs at a level below the knee joint but above the ankle joint; also known as “below knee”

Transverse Plane

Imaginary plane that divides the body into top and bottom halves


Referring to one side of the body


Bent or turned outward, used in deformities in which the most distal anatomical part is angled outward. Used commonly to describe the knee and elbow


Bent or turned inward, used especially of deformities in which the most distal anatomical part is angled inward. Used commonly to describe the knee and elbow




Activities of daily living, or activities related to personal care like bathing, showering, dressing, cooking, eating, and more


Above Knee Amputation, or an amputation through the femur (thigh)


Anterior-Posterior, or front to back


Below Knee Amputation, or amputation through the tibia (shin)


Shortened term for Disarticulation, which is the disconnection of all or part of a limb from the body, specifically through a joint like your knee, hip, elbow, or shoulder


Diagnostic Test Socket, also know as a check socket


Hip disarticulation amputation, or amputation through the hip joint


Knee disarticulation, or amputation through the knee joint


Medial-Lateral, or side-to-side


Occupational therapy/therapist, which is a therapy that focuses on improving a patient’s ability to perform activities of daily living


Physical therapy/therapist, which is a therapy that focuses on a restoring and strengthening mobility and/or reducing pain


Transfemoral, a more technical term for above knee amputee (AK / AKA)


Transtibial, a more technical term for below knee amputee (BK / BKA)


Ankle disarticulation, or amputation through the ankle bones


Common Terms and Abbreviations Guidebook