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A collage of various prosthetic users
A collage of various prosthetic users
A collage of various prosthetic users

Upper Limb Prosthetics.

Our dedicated team is committed to providing cutting-edge solutions that effortlessly integrate technology and design to enhance the lives of individuals with limb differences.

Our dedicated team is committed to providing cutting-edge solutions that effortlessly integrate technology and design to enhance the lives of individuals with limb differences.

The benefits

Prosthetic hands and arms can be used by individuals who have either lost a limb or who have a limb difference due to a congenital condition. The right device can help restore your independence and mobility, help you master everyday tasks, get back to your job, or simply help you feel well and rebuild your confidence.

A prosthesis can make a big difference in your day-to-day life but using one can require a lot of practice. Our clinicians will help you pick the perfect device and get the most from it.

At, we understand that the best outcomes for patients with upper limb loss come from a collaborative team approach. We partner with therapists like you to deliver comprehensive care that extends beyond fitting a prosthesis. Our goal is to empower patients with innovative designs, solutions and personalized support that fit their unique needs.

Areas of Expertise

Upper Limb Specialties

For nearly a century, our passion for perfecting each one of our prosthetic designs has been inspired by natural movement and human achievement.

Real choices for real life: Gentle and rugged. Light activity and heavy duty. Subtle and bold. For our hands, “everyday activities” can be just about anything. For people with an upper limb difference, that means the “right hand” is all about the right balance.

A woman holding a phone with her myoelectric prosthetic hand

Myoelectric Multi-Articulating Hands

Advanced devices that enhance functionality by responding to muscle signals, providing patients with greater control and a more natural range of motion.

Advanced devices that enhance functionality by responding to muscle signals, providing patients with greater control and a more natural range of motion.

A mother plays with her child at a playground while wearing her passive functional prosthetic arm

Partial Hands, Fingers and Restorations

Durable and straightforward options that cater to patients who prefer mechanical reliability with easy maintenance.

Durable and straightforward options that cater to patients who prefer mechanical reliability with easy maintenance.

An amputee grabs their golf club with their body-powered prosthetic hand

Body-Powered Mechanical Terminal Devices

Custom-designed prosthetics for partial finger and hand loss that help restore grip strength and fine motor skills.

Custom-designed prosthetics for partial finger and hand loss that help restore grip strength and fine motor skills.